Favorite Things Friday: November 10, 2017
A Weekly Round-Up of Rover-Related Links from Around the Web
Find a fall hat that makes you feel this sassy. ✌🏻
Can you believe Thanksgiving is just 13 days away? We're getting pretty excited for almost two weeks of travel and family-time.
This year, I realized that the reason I love November is that it's a month of planning—planning Thanksgiving travel, planning Christmas shopping, planning holiday party menus... I have lists on lists on lists on lists. All you other planners out there, please tell me I'm not totally crazy for loving my lists the way most people love their children....
Anyway, in the spirit of lists, here's my list of everything I'm obsessing over on the woof web this week:
1) Cheering for this new pup-friendly hotel program.
2) Deciding that Dave, Josh, and I need these for December.
3) Adding this to my calendar.
4) Thinking I've found the gadget that will save my rugs this winter.
5) Hoping all my Thanksgiving flights with Dave go through JFK Terminal 5. And also wondering how I'm just now discovering it.
6) Wishing I could buy everything from the Wit & Delight's Target pet collaboration.
7) Shamelessly promoting our brand new (and thoroughly taste-tested) Guide to Dog-Friendly NYC.
What are you guys loving on this very November-y Friday? Tell me in the comments. (Or tell me that I'm not crazy for loving my lists with my whole heart.)
*The Dapple sometimes receives affiliate income for product links, but we'll only ever share products we truly love.