Favorite Things Friday: October 27, 2017
A Weekly Round-Up of Rover-Related Links from Around the Web
Almost Cow-loween
Hi, everyone! I can't believe we're already to Friday and Halloween is just four days away. I'm a little behind on my yearly October-mania, so my weekend will be full of pumpkin ice cream, Hocus Pocus, and flannel shirts. What about you guys?
In other news, here are my obsessions from around the woof-web this week:
1) Thinking more rescue dogs would have homes if every shelter did this.
2) Deciding that we need one of these for those photo sessions when Dave just will NOT look at the camera.
3) Applauding Japan Airlines for this brilliance.
4) Getting ready to pawty with Dog & Co.
4) Riding an emotional roller coaster reading about one dog's great multi-borough adventure. Spoiler: like most of my great adventures it features a happy ending at a deli.
6) Marveling that these have already sold out.
7) Loving that one of the top board games on Amazon is basically every dog owner's life.
8) Sneaking a peak at Pablo & Co.'s holiday bandana collection. Kristmas Kimye, anyone?
What are you loving on this fall Friday? Have a safe and wonderful weekend, all!
xo Heather
*The Dapple sometimes receives affiliate income for product links, but we'll only ever share products we truly love.